Project management

The project management service of Auditinfo Ltd. is available as follows:

Creating a project organization

Preparation of project steps

Implementation of project work

Project control

Creating a project organization

During the preparation of each project, it is extremely important that adequate human resources are selected and employed during the project, otherwise the operation of the entire project may be jeopardized.

This requires the selection of participants who are motivated, able to carry out the project tasks assigned to them, and can allocate an appropriate amount of time from their working time to carry out project work.

Part of the project organization is the project management and the other participants in the project - mostly external experts, staff performing project tasks, administrative and assisting staff.

If your company starts a new project, request our expert help in creating the project organization!

Preparation of project steps

During the preparation of the project, we assess its expected resource needs and, if necessary, provide them.

In the same phase, we set the milestones of the project - along with deadlines and deliverables - as well as the main dependencies and the budget of the project.

In addition to continuous consultation, the draft is also recorded in writing, and after its approval, it is modeled in a selected project management software.

We train the use of the software, thus ensuring that all employees involved in the project can use it properly, thus helping the project to run smoothly.

Implementation of project work

If required, we participate in the implementation of the prepared projects, either at the level of operational implementation or project control. Our specialists are available to implement your projects and, if necessary, we also involve additional colleagues - experts or specialized tasks - in the project. 

During the implementation, we continuously prepare project reports on the implemented project steps, milestones and their results. We provide information on the reasons for any deviations from the plan and ensure that the project, regardless of size, remains transparent at the management level. 

After the completion of the completed project, we will prepare a report on the whole project and make suggestions on how to solve the problems that arose during the project in order to make your next project even more effective and efficient.

Project control

During the projects to be implemented, we also check for any differences between the planned and the actual implementation in terms of deadlines, deliverables and costs, in order to allow the project management to react in a timely and appropriate manner. 

Information on the operation and performance of the project is collected, processed and passed on to the relevant authorities in a systematic way. If necessary, we modify each step of the project so that the key performance indicators and project performance are not significantly affected by the problems encountered at each step.

Do you have a question?

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experience and skills!
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